General info about accommodation possibilities in Poland:
The most popular option is sharing room with other student or students – rental price is the cheapest then. Single rooms are available both in student houses and private appartments, however, you must be prepared for higher price.
It is common to pay deposit in advance while renting room/flat – it is usually amount of one or two months’ rent, and at the end, if no damage is made, the deposit is returned into your bank account. If deposit is required, you have to pay it in order to confirm reservation and keep the chosen room/flat.
You can also rent a room in a student dormitory. If you would like to choose this option please contact with us by e-mail:
Private flats:
The prices range from 100 EUR to 250 EUR per month depending on the standard, location and distance from the university.
Possibilities of short-term accommodation if needed:
Hostels in Lublin: